2024-9 Blog Entry List


RefWorks Write-N-Citeご利用の方は、2025年4月までにRefWorks Citation Manager (RCM)にアップグレードする必要があります。


RefWorks Write-N-Cite Users,

RefWorks Write-N-Cite will be no longer available after April, 2025. Please upgrade to RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) by then. Click the link to follow the instructions for upgrading.

終了しました【ONE-Search】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done: Maintenance on ONE-Search (9/22)


実施日程:9月22日(日) 午後4時より2時間程度(前後する可能性があります)
対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, September 22, 4:00 p.m.~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.