
図書館内での記念撮影について/ Taking commemorative photos inside the library


利用目的は私用のみとし、SNS などに掲載する場合も私的なものに限る。カメラマンや写真館の宣伝等の商用には利用できない。

2024 年 3 月 14 日(木)・15 日(金)および 18 日(月)・19 日(火)[卒業式前の平日 4 日間]

次のいずれか:10 時~12 時、13 時~15 時、15 時~17 時(各時間帯に最大3件までとする。)


原則として 1 か月以上前、遅くとも2週間以上前に、「中嶋記念図書館施設利用申込書」を用いて申し込むこと。撮影の可否については申込内容により図書館が判断する。施設利用料金等は徴収しない。

申込み先:lib1[at]aiu.ac.jp [at]の位置には@マークをご記入ください。

1. 利用場所は必要最低限の範囲とし、音や光などで図書館利用者の利用を妨げないこと。
2. 図書館利用者が映り込まないように撮影を行い、やむを得ず図書館利用者が映り込んでしまった画像・映像は破棄する。
3. 利用後は必ず原状復帰し、職員による確認を受けること。
4. 施設を破損、汚損した場合には原状復帰に係る費用を弁償すること。


Current students and graduates of Akita International University (including those who were enrolled as short-term international students) who wish to have their commemorative photo taken in the Nakajima Library by a professional photographer.

Purpose of use:
The purpose of use must be for private use only, and must be limited to private use, even when posted on social networking sites, etc. No commercial use, such as advertising the photographer or photo studio, is allowed.

Available only during the following period
March 14 (Thu.), 15 (Fri.) and 18 (Mon.), 19 (Tue.), 2024

Hours of use:
Any of the following: 10:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 15:00, 15:00 - 17:00 (A maximum of three (3) groups per time period is allowed.)

Shooting must take place at a location designated by the library. <pdf>

As a rule, applications must be made by one month in advance, at least two weeks in advance using the ”Nakajima Library Facility Use Application Form.” The library will decide whether or not photography is allowed based on the details of the application. No fees will be charged for the use of the facilities.

Application should go to: lib1[at]aiu.ac.jp  Please enter the @ mark in the [at].

1. The area to be used must be kept to the minimum necessary, and library users must not be disturbed by sound, light, etc.

2. Photographs should be taken in such a way that library users are not reflected in the images, and any images/videos that unavoidably show library users should be discarded.

3. After using the library, be sure to return it to its original state and have it checked by library staff.

4. In the event of damage of the facility, reimbursement must be made for the cost of restoring the facility to its original state.