
終了しました【ONE-Search】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done: Maintenance on ONE-Search (7/21)


実施日程:7月21日(日) 16:00より2時間程度(前後する可能性があります)
対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, July 21, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.

蔵書点検のお知らせ/ Annual Collection Inventory







Annual Collection Inventories are scheduled at Nakajima Library and the LDIC for the following period. If you would like to borrow books, please check them out before the Inventory starts.
Please note that using these facilities, reading newspapers and periodical journals in the library, and accessing our digital resources will continue to be available as usual.

< Collection Inventory Period >
Monday, August 5 to Friday, August 16
・The materials in the library and the LDIC will not be available to read or to borrow during this period.
・Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service may be delayed due to the Collection Inventory. Please contact the library staff if you have an urgent request during this period.

The LDIC counter will close during Summer Break from Tuesday, July 30, to Sunday, August 25.

For General Public Users,
The counter will be closed during the Collection Inventory period in August. Please note that borrowing and issuance of library cards will not be available during this period.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

夏季長期貸出期間/ Summer Reading Period


開 始 日:7月22日(月)から
返却期限日:9月  9日(月)まで
対   象:AIUの学生




Nakajima Library and the LDIC will start the Summer Reading Period for books, CDs, and DVDs on Monday, July 22.

<Summer Reading Period>
Start date: Monday, July 22
Due date: Wednesday, September 11
Target: AIU Students

The books borrowed or extended after July 22 will be processed as lending for the Summer Reading Period. It is a more extended period than usual for students to read during the break.
Users can renew the books already borrowed into the Summer Reading Period from "My Library Record" once unless the books are overdue or have been reserved by another user. Please note CDs and DVDs can only be extended for another week by yourself, so please contact us if you wish to renew.

If you are graduating or leaving AIU, please return the materials while still an AIU community member.
Please note that materials borrowed from Akita Prefectural Library and other Universities through InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Service must be returned by the original due date.

終了しました【ONE-Search】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done: Maintenance on ONE-Search (6/16)


対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, June 16, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.

【終了しました】サーバーのセキュリティアップデート/ Done: Server Security Updates

図書館で契約をしているAIU ONE-Searchと360 Linkが、セキュリティアップデートのため以下の日時にサーバーが再起動されます。

日時:6月3日(月) 午前1時~午前6時 の間の最大30分程度

・AIU ONE-Search / 360 Link


AIU ONE-Search and 360 Link will have their servers rebooted for security updates on the following dates and times.

Date and Time: Monday, June 3, 1:00 a.m. ~ 6:00 a.m. (approximately 30 minutes)

The following services will be temporarily unavailable.
・AIU ONE-Search / 360 Link
During this time, you can use these sites, but you may not be able to see images, or the layout may be corrupted.

終了しました【ONE-Search】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done: Maintenance on ONE-Search (5/19)


対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, May 19, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.

GW期間中のILLサービスの申込みについて/ Interlibrary Loan from April 27 to May 6



You can request Interlibrary Loan Service during the upcoming Golden Week holidays from Saturday, April 27 to Monday, May 6; however, the materials will arrive slower than usual.

終了しました【ONE-Search】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done: Maintenance on ONE-Search (4/21)


対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, April 21, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.

終了しました【RefWorks】メンテナンス実施のお知らせ/Done: Maintenance on RefWorks (4/7)


4月7日(日) 16:00~18:00(約2時間)

・RefWorks Citation Manager(Microsoft Word版)
・RefWorks Citation Manager(Googleドキュメント版)




Due to maintenance on RefWorks, the service will be temporarily suspended as follows.

【Scheduled time (Japan time)】
Starting from Sunday, April 7, 16:00 to 18:00 (approximately 2 hours)

【Suspended Services】
・RefWorks Citation Manager (Microsoft Word version)
・RefWorks Citation Manager (Google Docs version)

Please note that you will be able to use RefWorks Citation Manager offline during the maintenance, but you will not be able to synchronize it with RefWorks.

We apologize for any inconvenience cause.

【終了しました】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done: Maintenance on AIU ONE-Search(3/17)


対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, March 17, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.

春季長期貸出期間/ Spring Reading Period





Nakajima Library and the LDIC will start the Spring Reading Period for books, CDs, and DVDs on Thursday, February 22.

<Spring Reading Period>
Start date: Thursday, February 22
Due date: Tuesday, April 16
Target: AIU Students

The books borrowed or extended after February 22 will be processed as lending for the Spring Reading Period. It is a more extended period than usual for students to read during the break.
Users can renew the books already borrowed into the Spring Reading Period from "My Library Record" once unless the books are overdue or have been reserved by another user.
Please note CDs and DVDs can only be extended for another week by yourself, so please contact us if you wish to renew. (※Faculty and staff members are also able to borrow CDs and DVDs on the Spring Reading Period.)

If you are graduating or leaving AIU, please return the materials while still an AIU community member.
Please note that materials borrowed from Akita Prefectural Library and other Universities through InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Service must be returned by the original due date.

終了しました【ONE-Search】メンテナンスのお知らせ(2/18)/ Done: Maintenance on ONE-Search (2/18)


対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, February 18, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.

終了しました【日経テレコン】サービス一時停止のお知らせ(2月18日)/Done: Maintenance on Nikkei Telcom (2/18)





There is scheduled maintenance on Nikkei Telcom.

Nikkei Telcom may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, February 18, 19:00~19:30

図書館内での記念撮影について/ Taking commemorative photos inside the library


利用目的は私用のみとし、SNS などに掲載する場合も私的なものに限る。カメラマンや写真館の宣伝等の商用には利用できない。

2024 年 3 月 14 日(木)・15 日(金)および 18 日(月)・19 日(火)[卒業式前の平日 4 日間]

次のいずれか:10 時~12 時、13 時~15 時、15 時~17 時(各時間帯に最大3件までとする。)


原則として 1 か月以上前、遅くとも2週間以上前に、「中嶋記念図書館施設利用申込書」を用いて申し込むこと。撮影の可否については申込内容により図書館が判断する。施設利用料金等は徴収しない。

申込み先:lib1[at]aiu.ac.jp [at]の位置には@マークをご記入ください。

1. 利用場所は必要最低限の範囲とし、音や光などで図書館利用者の利用を妨げないこと。
2. 図書館利用者が映り込まないように撮影を行い、やむを得ず図書館利用者が映り込んでしまった画像・映像は破棄する。
3. 利用後は必ず原状復帰し、職員による確認を受けること。
4. 施設を破損、汚損した場合には原状復帰に係る費用を弁償すること。


Current students and graduates of Akita International University (including those who were enrolled as short-term international students) who wish to have their commemorative photo taken in the Nakajima Library by a professional photographer.

Purpose of use:
The purpose of use must be for private use only, and must be limited to private use, even when posted on social networking sites, etc. No commercial use, such as advertising the photographer or photo studio, is allowed.

Available only during the following period
March 14 (Thu.), 15 (Fri.) and 18 (Mon.), 19 (Tue.), 2024

Hours of use:
Any of the following: 10:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 15:00, 15:00 - 17:00 (A maximum of three (3) groups per time period is allowed.)

Shooting must take place at a location designated by the library. <pdf>

As a rule, applications must be made by one month in advance, at least two weeks in advance using the ”Nakajima Library Facility Use Application Form.” The library will decide whether or not photography is allowed based on the details of the application. No fees will be charged for the use of the facilities.

Application should go to: lib1[at]aiu.ac.jp  Please enter the @ mark in the [at].

1. The area to be used must be kept to the minimum necessary, and library users must not be disturbed by sound, light, etc.

2. Photographs should be taken in such a way that library users are not reflected in the images, and any images/videos that unavoidably show library users should be discarded.

3. After using the library, be sure to return it to its original state and have it checked by library staff.

4. In the event of damage of the facility, reimbursement must be made for the cost of restoring the facility to its original state.

年末年始の利用について/ Library Closed for New Year Holidays





Nakajima Library service counter will be closed for New Year Holidays during the following period:
Friday, December 29, 2023, ~ Wednesday, January 3, 2024

AIU students, faculty, and staff members can continue to use the library 24 hours a day with their ID cards, so please be sure to carry them with you.
Please note that we will not be able to answer any inquiries during this period. It will be processed from and after January 4, 2024, when the library is open and ready for the new year.

Closed for  the Public Visitors during the above period. 

【終了しました】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done: Maintenance on AIU ONE-Search(11/19)


対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, November 19, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.

【終了しました】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done:Maintenance on AIU ONE-Search(10/22)


対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, October 22, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.

【終了しました】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done: Maintenance on AIU ONE-Search(9/17)


対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, September 17, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.


中嶋記念図書館では、学生の皆さんへの学修支援の一環として、他大学との図書館間相互利用(InterLibrary Loan: ILL)にかかる費用を全額負担します。
< 図書館間相互利用 (ILL)サービスとは>
依頼をされる前に、必ず図書館で所蔵していないことを蔵書検索(ONE-Search)から確認し、図書館ウェブサイトにログインして”My Library”より申し込みをしてください。
添付資料:My Libraryからの依頼手順について
Nakajima Library will provide free ILL (InterLibrary Loan) Services to AIU students as a part of learning support.
Target: AIU Undergraduate Students and Graduate Students
Period: Start from Saturday, April 1
Number of Requests: Up to ten times in AY2023
※Please note that the free service will end when the ILL cost exceed the planned budget in the current fiscal year. After that, you will be responsible for your expenses.
< What is InterLibrary Loan Service? >
If you need an item that the Nakajima Library does not have, you can request it from other university libraries through InterLibrary Loan (ILL).
ILL Photocopy Request: You can request photocopies of articles and parts of books to the extent permitted by the Copyright Law. However, photocopies of journal articles are made after the next issue is published or after three months have passed.
ILL Loan Request: You can request to borrow books from other university libraries. Please note that periodicals are not available in this service.
You can pick up photocopies and borrow materials from other institutions at the counter of the Nakajima Library.
< How to Request >
Before making a request, please check that the Nakajima Library does not have the item through the collection search (ONE-Search), and then log in to the AIU library website and make a request through “My Library.”

< Note >
・Cancellations are not allowed after requests are made.
・It takes a few weeks to receive the materials.
・The service is available to request from the NII (National Institute of Informatics) NACSIS-ILL participating libraries.
・Photocopying of borrowed materials must be done within the limits of Copyright Law (less than a half page of work.) 
・The borrowed books through ILL differ from AIU Library Term of Use, such as some books are for in-library use only under the restrictions of the institutions that own them.
・Please return the borrowed books through Interlibrary Loan directly to the library counter. Do not drop it off at the “Return Box.”
Please contact library staff if you are unsure about material or bibliographic information.
Attached: How to request ILL through My Library