

蔵書点検のお知らせ/ Annual Collection Inventory







Annual Collection Inventories are scheduled at Nakajima Library and the LDIC for the following period. If you would like to borrow books, please check them out before the Inventory starts.
Please note that using these facilities, reading newspapers and periodical journals in the library, and accessing our digital resources will continue to be available as usual.

< Collection Inventory Period >
Monday, August 5 to Friday, August 16
・The materials in the library and the LDIC will not be available to read or to borrow during this period.
・Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service may be delayed due to the Collection Inventory. Please contact the library staff if you have an urgent request during this period.

The LDIC counter will close during Summer Break from Tuesday, July 30, to Sunday, August 25.

For General Public Users,
The counter will be closed during the Collection Inventory period in August. Please note that borrowing and issuance of library cards will not be available during this period.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

終了しました【ONE-Search】メンテナンスのお知らせ/ Done: Maintenance on ONE-Search (7/21)


実施日程:7月21日(日) 16:00より2時間程度(前後する可能性があります)
対象サービス:AIU ONE-Search



There is scheduled maintenance on AIU ONE-Search.

AIU ONE-Search may experience connectivity problems during the following maintenance period:
Sunday, July 21, 16:00~ (approximately 2 hours.)
Searches will be available as usual during the maintenance, but you may not be able to access content from search results.

夏季長期貸出期間/ Summer Reading Period


開 始 日:7月22日(月)から
返却期限日:9月  9日(月)まで
対   象:AIUの学生




Nakajima Library and the LDIC will start the Summer Reading Period for books, CDs, and DVDs on Monday, July 22.

<Summer Reading Period>
Start date: Monday, July 22
Due date: Wednesday, September 11
Target: AIU Students

The books borrowed or extended after July 22 will be processed as lending for the Summer Reading Period. It is a more extended period than usual for students to read during the break.
Users can renew the books already borrowed into the Summer Reading Period from "My Library Record" once unless the books are overdue or have been reserved by another user. Please note CDs and DVDs can only be extended for another week by yourself, so please contact us if you wish to renew.

If you are graduating or leaving AIU, please return the materials while still an AIU community member.
Please note that materials borrowed from Akita Prefectural Library and other Universities through InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Service must be returned by the original due date.