2023-4 Blog Entry List
中嶋記念図書館では、学生の皆さんへの学修支援の一環として、他大学との図書館間相互利用(InterLibrary Loan: ILL)にかかる費用を全額負担します。
< 図書館間相互利用 (ILL)サービスとは>
依頼をされる前に、必ず図書館で所蔵していないことを蔵書検索(ONE-Search)から確認し、図書館ウェブサイトにログインして”My Library”より申し込みをしてください。
添付資料:My Libraryからの依頼手順について
Nakajima Library will provide free ILL (InterLibrary Loan) Services to AIU students as a part of learning support.
Target: AIU Undergraduate Students and Graduate Students
Period: Start from Saturday, April 1
Number of Requests: Up to ten times in AY2023
Number of Requests: Up to ten times in AY2023
※Please note that the free service will end when the ILL cost exceed the planned budget in the current fiscal year. After that, you will be responsible for your expenses.
< What is InterLibrary Loan Service? >
If you need an item that the Nakajima Library does not have, you can request it from other university libraries through InterLibrary Loan (ILL).
ILL Photocopy Request: You can request photocopies of articles and parts of books to the extent permitted by the Copyright Law. However, photocopies of journal articles are made after the next issue is published or after three months have passed.
ILL Loan Request: You can request to borrow books from other university libraries. Please note that periodicals are not available in this service.
You can pick up photocopies and borrow materials from other institutions at the counter of the Nakajima Library.
< How to Request >
Before making a request, please check that the Nakajima Library does not have the item through the collection search (ONE-Search), and then log in to the AIU library website and make a request through “My Library.”
< Note >
・Cancellations are not allowed after requests are made.
・It takes a few weeks to receive the materials.
・The service is available to request from the NII (National Institute of Informatics) NACSIS-ILL participating libraries.
・Photocopying of borrowed materials must be done within the limits of Copyright Law (less than a half page of work.)
・The borrowed books through ILL differ from AIU Library Term of Use, such as some books are for in-library use only under the restrictions of the institutions that own them.
・Please return the borrowed books through Interlibrary Loan directly to the library counter. Do not drop it off at the “Return Box.”
Please contact library staff if you are unsure about material or bibliographic information.
Attached: How to request ILL through My Library
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